Cancelada as the earth of mountain prepared slowly to receive the sound of the passing autumn. The falling leafs of the autochthonous trees were turning colors in the wind, it rained abundantly supplying the sources, the rivers increased their flow and shrugged the day making solar delightful appearance… Cancelada these days is the landscape of a classic Christmas card.



The route of Quintá-river Donsal framed geographically in ancares region store all the symbolic beauty of peace and seclusion, the end of annual biological cycle and hope of the new spring… Winter brings its charms around the river… Verdexan the molds, the troubled waters sing a single percussion played on the stone, reappear the natural colors of humid and shadowy path, the ravine geometry of the bare trees is reflected in the water, the flow of the water shines with the light that penetrates into it.





Above in the rustic houses the kitchens are always inflamed to ward off the cold. The family would gather around to talk unhurried while the broth is being cooked over a low fire; our broth so old that comes with the aroma of daub and vegetables. The ancestral life is still alive here and the inherited good culinary habits were not lost.

The chimneys let out the smoke that rises into the sky as a humble prayer and continues his path as a Christmas card that is being passed. Pero también puede subir y acogerse a la hospitalidad de aquellas gentes preparadas para recibirlo. It can also go up and benefit from the hospitality of these people prepared to receive it. In some house in the village someone will warm roxara oven and will bake the bread. The smell of the warm bread spread in the air and will show the traveler that the time does not exist. That the time is like a river: never stopped and always in a right place. Never being still always shows the remaining wealth of the surroundings.




Because Cancelada, and particularly Donsal route, has not been destroyed yet by a false civilization that does not respect the Earth.

From this small paradise, so is all year round, we wish our visitors, partners, cooperates, members of Honor, volunteers, mass media, friends good parties and good beginning of 2014.

Hellene Villar Janeiro, doctor in philology and member of Honor Association Chestnuttree and Walnut Tree.
Monika Sek, licentiate in ordering of it territory, volunteer CTI of CyN 2013
Photos: Fe y Antonio Álvarez

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